In the over 30 years I have been farming, I have never seen
cattle act the way this current batch of heifers is acting. I have raised
dairy, beef, and a cross of the two, and never saw them try to bash or eat
their young. I am glad mine are currently tied up in the barn or we’d have a
lot of dead calves. I have seen them ignore their babies or favor one twin over
the other and literally knock the one twin away, refusing to let it nurse, but
this behavior is very strange.
Our first heifer to calve, Stripe, squeezed it out, cleaned
it up, easy-peasy. She wouldn’t let it nurse, which I have seen several times,
but we took her in and milked her and fed it – no problem. She went by the
stall every day (twice) and stopped and yelled at it for some reason (maybe
wondering why it was there instead with her) but now just nods at it. That’s
Then Dot, our only red and white holstien, had a bull calf
and we thought she was going to stomp it to death. Every time we put it near
her she screamed as loud as she could and pawed at it and smacked it with her
nose. She licked it sort of, but spent most of the time trying to bite it. She,
at one point, grabbed its foot and started to throw it. I got it away from her
and dried it myself in its own stall. She shut up immediately and pays it no
attention when she goes to get milked. She
is just as calm as can be going to her stall and to the parlor and in her
stall. You can do anything you need to without her kicking, except milk her.
Then it is a rodeo. It has been a week and she still acts as if she doesn’t
know what is going on. Go figure!
Cuddles, so named because of her demeanor, had a heifer and
licked it a few times, but also screamed her head off at it. It was deafening.
She tossed it around with her nose and tried to beat on it with her foot. I
thought she was trying to get it into a better position to clean it, but no,
she wanted to eat it. Another one I had to dry off and mother. She gives it a
glance on her way to the parlor, but otherwise pays no attention. She milked
like a dream for all of two days and now kicks at the milker; not anything like
Dot, but has be tied up to get the job done all the same. I suspect her bag is
so full she is in pain until some of milk goes down and then she settles down.
I can dip her and she doesn’t even twitch an ear.
This morning we got out to the barn just in time play catch
with another heifer from…George Foreman. Heaven help us. She acted pretty much
like the others. She went nuts and even tossed me into the wall across the feed
aisle. I was trying to keep the calf in licking distance but she didn’t want it
near her. Another one I had to clean up! We thought she’d tear the parlor
apart, but she stood perfectly still and let us milk her. Hmmm.
I understand from the latest report that Legs, so named for
her extremely long and straight legs which can reach you anywhere she wants to
kick, is about to deliver her calf. I think I’ll need ear plugs and armor for
this one.
Anyone know what the deal is with these cows? The cold
maybe? It is awfully cold.
Legs had a baby bull. She actually didn’t try to eat it and
Dot, being in the stall next to her, actually helped clean it. It looked black
at birth at my husband named it Shadow. Once he was dry we discovered he is
actually brown! After selling the last bull calf, I discovered half-jersey
calves, being on the small side, don’t do well at market, and for that reason
declared I wouldn’t sell any more of them. We’ll just have to find room.
Husband agrees.
Oh, Legs milks without beating the crap out of anyone, unlike Dot.
Gosh those little calves are cute. I still need a picture of
Ghost! Her face is marked crooked just like her mom, George Foreman.
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