Well, what can I say? The bull is no longer seeing me in a favorable light. After making sure my poor non-cow dog was securely in the barn, I went out to gather a few needed fence posts- the deer are decimating our corn silage bag. That goofy Jersey bull started following me again and when I turned around he was close enough that I poked him in the nose with a fence post. That, of course ticked him off and he decided I was the enemy. I had not yet realized this because the heifers had gathered up to me at that point and just getting to another post was difficult. As I was setting up the post puller (yes, there is a tool for pulling posts out of the ground) I realized the bull was after me and not in a warm and fuzzy, isn't he cute kind of way. He put his head down and came running. I moved the first time and then deliberately slugged him with the fence post. Just so you know, that isn't entirely an intelligent move. It just made him more mad. I got the post up and here he came again. Now, I was truly surprised when one of my Holsteins pulled a move straight out of his book. She ran in between us and knocked him on his butt. Hmmmm. Good girl. I think she gets a special treat. I always did like number 18. She actually stayed between me and the bull as I walked backwards to the gate back into the barn. I told my husband the next time that bull came after me, I was going to shoot him. He said I couldn't do that because we needed him to breed back the cows after they calved. Then he'd send him to market. We'll see. If he hurts me, my husband will shoot him. He said he'd be too gamey to put in the freezer because of the testosterone in his system. I'd enjoy the first bite anyway.

Sure he looks all innocent here. Jersey cows good- Jersey bulls, not so much.
How would you like this coming at you?
Good girl! My protector.
With all the corn still standing in the fields, why do they have to destroy the silage bag? Pretty sure I didn't bag it for the deer.
In other news... the barn roof that was causing a hold up on finishing the milk-house is finally done. Yay! The Roof Doctors out of Phillips, Wisconsin did a really good job and will most likely get the job for the other side next year. We also got a lot of the interior board done in the parlor. It's coming along, but too slow. Our son came last weekend and helped. This week the ceiling material (white tin) should be in so we can work on that next weekend. Help! I don't do heights and that parlor ceiling is really high up.
Roof in progress
Roof done. It's a thing of beauty!
One of the walls. Still need to clean and paint some posts, but that won't take long.